The Prophet smiles at all the warring tribes

The Prophet smiles at all the warring tribes,
even though ridiculed by their many jibes.

Christ laughs at the crown of thorns on his head:
because of Mercy, he has only grace to shed.

Majnun cried and cried for his lost Layla,
and became perfect in mad love’s leela.

Francesco, the greatest saint in history
became the Word through holy poetry.

The Eternal Living Ancient One is now
the One in our hearts to whom we bow.

All the Prophets and Masters of the past
defer to the present Avatar, back at last.

This-time Savior is full of such robust humor,
that Darvish finds his old forms stale rumor.

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Meher Spiritual Center Identity Conundrums

Meher Spiritual Center in North Myrtle Beach, SC., is advertising for a newly created position of executive director to help guide it in the fulfillment of the charter given to it by Avatar Meher Baba.

This is probably more than anything else a response to Sufism Reoriented of Walnut Creek, Ca. flexing its muscles in the acquisition of Youpon Dunes in downtown Myrtle Beach, a former residence of Elizabeth Patterson who founded Meher Center. Sufism Reoriented, which also received its charter from Avatar Meher Baba, now owns three properties to promote its contentious mission: the newly constructed 50 million dollar sanctuary in Walnut Creek, a Washington DC property and the Myrtle Beach property.

The new position of executive director promises to confuse the primary and longstanding purpose of Meher Spiritual Center to be a retreat center for “rest, meditation and the renewal of the spiritual life”. This has been its stated purpose since its founding over 60 years ago. But now the issue of power and control of Meher Baba’s message is becoming a factor in the management of the retreat center.

Why would this newly created position of executive director supplant the existing administrative structure governing Meher Center? This is a mistake. Meher Center does not need a propaganda department, and it most certainly does not need a propaganda department in charge of its primary function as a retreat center.

The problem of Sufism Reoriented is real and lasting. They are a powerful institutional cult that is dedicated to promoting an outrageous lie regarding their alleged mandate. But why should this make Meher Center insecure?

It is instructive to note that both Sufism Reoriented’s and Meher Center’s charters are minefields of ambiguity; SR has already hung itself through a willful interpretation of their mandate. There is no good reason Meher Center should do so as well.

Update 8/04/2017

After having posted the above entry, and having discussed this material with a few people, I now wish that I had more boldly stated my opinion about the recent Meher Center announcement about the newly advertised executive director position.

This is a terribly conceived and written announcement. The first point to make is that the new position could not possible fulfill the responsibilities that it describes. The job description is impossibly large and far reaching. Why would any sane applicant want to apply for such a job description? There is an infinite irony here: any person who would want this job is at once disqualified by applying for it! There are three or four jobs contained in this job description. What sane applicant would agree to such a herculean task?

Who wrote this announcement? Did a committee draft it?

As I intimated in my initial post, there is something very wrong with the motivation behind this proposal. It is essentially a power play: consolidate all the real and imagined mandates in the Meher Center charter into one overarching position that radically destabilizes the historic role of Meher Center to be a retreat center for ” rest, mediation and the renewal of the spiritual life.”





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America Is Cracking Up

The American identity is cracking up. The Trump presidency is proving, like the antipodal ice masses, that the American consensual reality is fracturing, shifting, splitting apart and dissolving like never before. Of course, this meltdown has been going on for a long time; but it is only now becoming hysterically obvious. This is a great opportunity. We should applaud our great fortune that we have no choice but to finally disavow our devotion to the demigod of gilded venality we have called progress.

That is, if we can recover from the impending psychotic breakdown represented by DT’s babbling. What a deeply pathetic and tragic babbling! And what an equally pathetic and tragic congressional chorus supporting him!

America will have to reinvent itself, or utterly perish.

But what will represent a new, creative, vibrant and sustainable American future?

Love Supreme.

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Sufism Reoriented Kool Aid

The singularly fantastic pretension of Sufism Reoriented is the steadfast delusion that Avatar Meher Baba promised Ivy Duce and her sufi order that he would provide a continuous lineage of 6th plane saints guiding the order for the next 700 years until he returns. (7th plane = God; the 6th plane saint sees God everywhere and in everything, but has not achieved union with God.)

To “cement” this covenant with the Avatar (aka the Prophet, the Christ), Sufism Reoriented has just finished building in Walnut Creek, Ca a concrete bunker surmounted with marble clad “petrol domes” that is engineered to last- you guessed it, 700 years! Wow! Like, the fossil fuel era and Sufism Reoriented will last until the Prophet returns at the end of time. (Mahapralaya, the re-absorption of the universe into the intestines of God, will occur at that time because the planet will be too fucked to be saved, according to Bhau Kalchuri, Meher Baba’s star metaphysical disciple.)

The present leadership of SR drank this Kool Aid as it was served by the self possessed Ivy Duce in the early 1970’s. SR is to be the great spaceship that will transport the elite back into the bowels of God. Never mind that this ridiculous delusion has been been debunked by Don Stevens, Ivy Duce’s right hand man, and Eruch Jessawala, Meher Baba’s right hand man. And debunked as well by all of Meher Baba’s disciples alive at the time this controversy was articulated in 1980.

But such is the power of Kool Aid. This will get very, very weird.




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Choking On The Fumes Of Progress

The planet is choking to death, all because of “progress”. This is the anthropocentric irony: the world is coming to an end because of human ingenuity. It is instructive to reflect on the fact that the concept of progress relies on the exploitation of energy.

Blake said energy is eternal delight. But the empowerment of desire by the blaze of roaring global consumption of fossil fuels will destroy us all. The planet will go berserk because of our unbridled appetite. Everyone wants the good life, unaware that the good life is like a microwave drying the cat.





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Darvish Khan Replies To Critics

I have been accused of being a faux sufi- that is, a pretender to the sufi cloak. In fact, I have never worn the sufi cloak. Like Hafez, I disavow the robe of pretension; I spill wine on it every chance I get. As for all the high sounding confections about the brotherhood of Baba lovers, that one should never critique them as if we were all Zionist conspirators who must give absolute loyalty to a chauvinist pogrom- well, forget it!

I find this attitude absolutely disgusting. The Baba world is rife with predators, and the sooner this becomes accepted and publicly discussed, the better. The infantile notion that this would reflect badly on the Lord and Master- Meher Baba, is stupid beyond belief.

The truth will  always prevail, and attempts to conceal the filth that plagues our community so as to sanitize our reputation is vomit upon vomit.

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“The Fader” reports on Sufism Reoriented’s marble clad petrol domes

Here is the link to a new article on the cheesy spiritual organization called “Sufism Reoriented”. The marble clad petrol domes are back in the news. The fossil fuel halo of this occult and papal organization wants to impress us all with its fast food bravura.

Posted in english language ghazals | 8 Comments

Announcement of deletion of old post, “Trust Malfeasance…”

I am deleting from my website in 7 days the post “Trust Malfeasance…“, dated 4/02/2012, as I no longer have confidence in some of the assertions I made therein. I got caught up in the rumor mill, and I now regret that  I rashly reached unsupported conclusions. I apologize to Mehernath Kalchuri and his family.

I remain furious with AMBPPCT for its completely inept management of controversy in general, and specifically for its utter abdication of accepted standards of transparency, accountability and the removal of conflicts of interest from among its trustees, and most especially concerning the “Selling Of Meherabad And The Corruption of AMBPPCT.”

The facts that have now come to light support the assertion that the Trust has been deeply corrupted by two or more of its trustees having participated in a speculative real estate partnership with Gary Kleiner to sell Meherabad. It will be remembered that a presumed basis for Erico Nadel’s  murder was his investigation of shaunky Meherabad real estate transactions, and that this has been the primary basis on which I have blogged on this sordid subject.

I am completely dedicated to getting my facts right, and I will not rest until the Trust is held accountable for its sacred duty to preserve and protect Meherabad.


Posted in Letters to AMBPPCT, Rant | 6 Comments

Silence Day Ghazal

I, the lost one, find my way to the ocean’s shore,
where none can hear my grief above the surf’s roar.

I would drown at once the sound of my own thought-
I would die now and forever to all that can be taught.

The ocean wave rises, threatens and then crashes;
spirit brightens as rolling water softly caresses.

All truth is revealed in the pure and virgin sand,
washed clean of all mark left by unnatural hand.

I read the scattered omens of shell, wood and stone:
only by the songbird’s cry can this blame be undone.

My grief shapes slowly into verse that disappears
along the curving ocean shore of bitter tears.

Darvish walks and walks to find the lost silence
that reveals again the beloved Master’s presence.

Line in italics by Francis Brabazon

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I raise my glass to the only divine lover

I raise my glass to the only divine lover;
I drink to the dregs the wine he may offer.

There is no taste I prefer to his presence;
my eyes have no light save his effulgence.

I have no motion but for his rhythm:
all life springs from his ancient whim.

Hunger gnaws daily until beauty’s embrace-
all thirst is for sight of his compassionate face.

My tears are a lake I would gladly drown in,
but for the pity induced by such a sin.

My only hope is the pain of despair:
I will not find him until I forsake all care.

Darvish has no friend but the deep blue sky;
Yet, what he loves, always remains close by.

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