Does science really exclusively pertain to fact, or is it also based on imagination?
What determines a fact?
Science will say that fact is that which can be replicated in a carefully controlled experiment; that this is the basis for scientific knowledge.
But what if facts exist that can’t be replicated in a carefully controlled scientific experiment? Do they cease to exist as facts because they can’t be predicted in a controlled experiment?
The arrogance and hubris of scientific rationalism is the assumption that only that which can be quantified is real; that everything else is fantasy.
The power of science is popularly proved and illustrated by technology. Most people believe in science because of technology, particularly as this promotes comfort and pleasure. But also as this promotes destruction. Science is largely appreciated on the basis of the power to augment either pleasure or pain.
Science can register breath as essential to life, but cannot account for prana or chi- subtle energy. Breath is the visible sign of prana as it maintains life in the physical body. Prana supports breath, and when prana withdraws from the body breathing stops and the body dies. Science says that breath stops because bodily functions fail; and because prana can only be inferred by the presence of breath, prana does not exist as a fact.
Prana is what connects the physical body with higher, relatively immaterial bodies. These higher bodies exist, but are beyond the purview of rationalistic investigation. They do not cease to exist simply because science cannot quantify them.
The fact is that science is an imaginative construct. Science is based on the assumption that only that which can be quantified is real. This is proved by the fact that science readily agrees that that which is real (capable of being quantified) is continuously advanced by research- and that this is construed as a self congratulatory act proving the power and sincerity of science. But meanwhile, all that which can’t be quantified doesn’t exist.
The integrity of scientific knowledge is based on circular reasoning, i.e. that because science represents fact, it also de facto represents reality. That fact equals reality, despite the fact that we have already established that reality can not at all be proved by reference to the scientific method.
The idea that science defines reality is an hysterical act of wildest imagination.