Big Fist has come to rule our hearts and minds

Big Fist has come to rule our hearts and minds,
And deflect our will to love, be brave and kind.

Herod is back, never left, just changed his clothes;
And all babies must die today before love grows.

O the babies, the babies must die, must die now
Before love steals the show and takes a bow.

O no, love cannot reign, love can never be king;
Hate is what we love and hate will hate ever bring.

Big Fist is our mighty lord and reigns supreme,
All our love for peace and harmony is a dream.

The lie, what we love is the lie that never dies;
That power lives forever and never, never dies.

O yes, Darvish can scream with absolute sincerity
One day love will rise, reign and proclaim reality.




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