The Most Successfully Propagandized Nation On Earth

America has long believed that it is the greatest country on earth, and that it enjoys a divine favor and guidance like no other country on earth. This is summed up in the phrase, American exceptionalism.

All this, despite the fact it is a settler colonial state founded on genocide, slavery, Jim Crow, continued systemic racism, rapacious capitalism and savage imperialism- and all this excused or rationalized as the good faith effort toward achieving “a more perfect union”.

America continuously pats itself on the back for achieving- so it says, what no other nation has achieved, i.e. the most robust of democracies which has entitled it to lead the free world toward ever greater and more sublime political, civil and human rights.

And Americans believe this. That is, all good and patriotic Americans believe this, with all their minds, hearts and souls- and in support of this belief spend more taxpayer money on  the world’s largest and most powerful military than the next ten largest state military budgets combined.

Such is the American support for American exceptionalism. Wow.

In short, America believes in the power of violence to shove its idea of democracy down the gullets of the rest of the world- and, of course, it’s own citizens.

Americans have such a robust belief in violence that they possess more guns per capita than any other country in the world, has way more mass shootings and homicides than any other country in the world and it incarcerates more people per capita than the rest of the world- so much so that in fact the gulag archipelago of America contains more than 25% of the world’s incarcerated!

Wow, and Wow again!

Let’s hear it for American exceptionalism!

America so believes in exporting its rabid democratic ideals that it is the greatest benefactor of the world’s greatest fascist autocracies. There are so many to enumerate, where to begin?

Let’s start and end with Israel, as the case of Israel is the keystone of American fascist foreign policy. Israel claims that it is the only real democracy in the Middle East, just as America claims that it is the only real democracy in the entire world. So, indeed, they have a lot in common.

Both countries are based on Judeo-Christian racial and religious supremacy. In the case of Israel, racial and religious supremacy combine in one category, whereas in America the categories of race and religion tend to become focused in white Protestantism as defining exemplary democratic ideals.

The result is fascist nationalism in both cases, although the case of Israel is more egregious as it combines racial and religious identities in a single supreme chauvinism. It is for this reason that US politicians routinely and obsessively declare undying loyalty to Israel, as it is the world’s single greatest example of violent ethno-nationalism.

Americans are supremely propagandized in support of fascist domestic and foreign policies.





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