Rahu and AI

Rahu, or the north node of the Moon, is considered a shadow planet in Indian/ Vedic astrology. It is not a physical planet, but an astronomical point. It, along with Ketu, the south node of the Moon, represent an axis that describes the intersection of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth with the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun.

Rahu and Ketu thus signify eclipses when the Sun and Moon are conjunct either one of the two points, i.e. a solar eclipse, or both points, i.e. a lunar eclipse.

Rahu is the “head” of the Dragon that “swallows” the Sun or Moon, and Ketu is the “tail” from which the respective luminary then reappears.

Rahu represents desire and ambition in a natal chart. It is a malefic influence that denotes “losing one’s mind”. It rules all things astral and virtual. It rules insanity, possession, entities, mind altering substances, poisons, snakes, ghosts, viruses, computers, digital reality, intense desire and shadowy experiences. It also rules imagination, out of the box thinking, inventions, new and bold ideas and technology, change, transformation and fame and riches. Rahu rules space travel, astral travel, magicians, tantriks, shamans, and certain occult based meditation traditions.  But it always brings dissatisfaction. Rahu’s appetite is never satisfied. Rahu never has enough.

Rahu represent’s biting, gnawing and clawing at the apple of experience; Ketu, on the other hand, represents digesting and rejecting the apple of experience. Ketu is a spiritual and ascetic symbol whereas Rahu is a psychic and indulgent symbol.

Rahu and Ketu have much in common, but Rahu plunges one into experience, and Ketu forces rejection of experience.

Now, what does Rahu have to do with AI?

Rahu rules all things shadowy and virtual. It rules all things astral. It rules computer science and virtual reality. It rules imaginative states, visualization and it rules the dream state. It rules the future. It rules “what’s next”- but on the basis of the projection of desire.

It rules the “inflation of desire”.

Rahu to be sure is a powerful influence in all things relating to computers, digital and virtual reality. It rules all things having to do with the technology of representation on a more subtle level. Rahu is all about the manipulation and transformation of form (think eclipse, pulling a rabbit out of a hat).

AI is simply manipulating data at super fast speeds according to algorithms. It manipulates data to the point that the computer program can seemingly think. AI parodies the faculty of reason- not the intellect, which has to do with discrimination. Much of the confusion about AI has to do with the confusion of the parody of the faculty of reason with the spiritual faculty of discrimination. AI is a parody of reason; it has nothing at all to do with discrimination. In other words, AI relates to Rahu and not to Ketu.

AI is a machine; it is clearly useful as a machine. But it has no greater utility than that of a machine parodying reason. The relation of AI with virtual reality is completely under the purview of Rahu, as Rahu rules imaginative and fantasy states.

In astrological symbolism, Rahu rules imaginative states as an astral influence (good and bad); it does not rule the mind- Moon, or intellect- Mercury. But in the US natal chart, Rahu has a very strong influence over the ascendant, the Moon and Mercury. The ruler of the ascendant, Jupiter, and the Moon are in lunar constellations ruled by Rahu, and Rahu is conjunct Mercury. This explains much about the US as a world leader in entertainment and computer technology. It also explains much about US delusional thinking as a superpower.

From the cosmological point of view, the prominence of Rahu in describing US karma suggests relentless desire and ambition coloring its identity and thinking. AI will doubtless become an important tool of government surveillance and military application. US and Israel are in fact using AI in the genocide of Gaza. The US will embrace AI as a competitive technology to the clear advantage of the militarized corporate state.

A worthwhile point to make is that the power and influence of Rahu exhausts itself  eventually. It doesn’t last forever. Eventually desire exhausts itself in a state of collapse.

AI is a parody of reason because of super fast calculations. A super fast mind is madness as it veers out of control. AI crunches data/ desire at super fast speed to attain power. This is the power of Rahu, the power of the eclipse, the power to lose one’s mind.






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