We are the resistance!

Baba lovers of northern California are the resistance against the corporate and institutional takeover of  Avatar Meher Baba’s manifestation. We will not abide the slimy acquiescence to powerful subversive interests in commanding the narrative of Meher Baba’s wish.

Meher Baba was not a corporatist nor a supporter of institutional hegemony. He always and unequivocally supported the individual’s relation to God. He never rubber stamped a hierarchical and institutional intermediary between him and his lovers. He was in fact completely against this.

Recent developments in the Meher Baba community give great cause for alarm. Baba lovers must solidly support the integrity of the individual’s relation to the beloved. This is not a commodity to be franchised by exalted institutions, however much money they command.

All Baba groups and organizations should rally behind the integrity of the individual’s relation to beloved Baba. There is nothing else worth living and dying for.

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5 years ago

Yes, yes, and yes again! This must be strongly upheld. He takes care of His own. I like the way you said this. It doesn’t matter who it is, SR or anyone,that comes along to make things more muddled than Maya has already made them.

5 years ago

Yes, yes, and yes again! The way of the individual to the God-man must be strongly upheld. I like the way you have said this. You have made your stand on the Truth.

Ron Greenstein
5 years ago

This commentary receives wholehearted agreement from me.

Joe Bender
5 years ago

Personally I wouldn’t be a member of any group that would have me as a member

David Pierce
5 years ago

Kudos to you, Bill.

100% with you on this.

Baba never touched money except when He personally handed it to the poor.

joe bender
5 years ago

Hey Bill is there a written response from Merwan Dubash
and Dan Stone about the choice of venue after having been apprised
of the situation?

And btw what is Dan Stone doing in No Cal
presenting a trust meeting.

This is pretty weird to me