Fire as the power of love

In Zoroastrian cosmology, Ahuramazda and Ahriman vie in eternal conflict over the moral and spiritual universe. The principles of light and darkness are ever circling each other in eternal conflict. One of the most interesting points about Zoroastrian cosmology is that Ahuramazda requires human intervention to subdue Ahriman. It is not possible for the power of light and beneficence to dominate darkness and greed without man’s help. When man agrees to the precepts of “good thoughts”, “good words” and “good deeds”, the power of light ascends; when man refuses to follow these precepts, Ahriman ascends.

Zoroaster lived, according to Zoroastrian oral tradition, some 9 to 10 thousand years ago. (Western scholarship avers he lived only some 2,500 years ago.) It is the world’s oldest religious/ spiritual tradition. Zoroastrians believe that Abraham was a Zoroastrian and prophet who gave rise to Judaism, and in turn gave rise to Christianity and Islam, through their respective prophets.

Zoroastrianism holds the elements sacred, especially the element fire. It is the original primordial tradition in which Nature is held to be a direct manifestation of God; but fire is the most tangible manifestation of God’s presence as it represents the power of love to defeat darkness and confusion. Thus, Zoroastrians are said to worship fire in their fire temples.

When Ahriman ascends, Nature becomes unstable. When man no longer holds the divine precepts and no longer regards fire as the burning symbol of divine love, chaos erupts across the land. Kings and rulers become tyrants, and the people suffer.

When fire is corrupted and becomes infernal, when as a symbol it is inverted and becomes a power of greed and darkness, all the elements rebel in protest.

We are now living in that time when all the elements, and especially fire, have gone mad in grief for their abuse at the hands of humans who no longer hold the precepts of good thoughts, good words and good deeds.

Global warming is an infernal hymn to Ahriman, the power of greed, destruction and chaos. And only humans can intervene on behalf of Ahuramazda.

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steve goodman
6 years ago

What is a good thought if not the name of God; what is a good word, if not the sound of that Name; what composes a good deed if not the product of the previous two