The Kleiner/Wallin and AMBPPCT Debacle

I have previously reported on the scandal implicating the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust regarding the conflict of interest represented by the clandestine Gary Kleiner and Ramesh Jangale real estate partnership. Jangale is a trustee of AMBPPCT, yet has a decades long business interest in the buying and selling of Meherabad in collusion with Kleiner, a former employee of the Trust.

But this is not Gary Kleiner’s only speculative real estate partnership. Kleiner has also entered into a real estate partnership with Amy Wallin, an American residing at Meherabad. This partnership in contrast to the Jangale partnership has abandoned the cover provided by an Indian national. The Kleiner/Wallin partnership thus has a paper trail which plainly reveals their illegal and unethical machinations: the purchase of real estate on tourist visas, the concealment of ownership through an Indian proxy and the appropriation of adjacent property and a public road to augment the construction footprint.

This obnoxious project will be a multi story condo building built on an extremely small footprint that will obscure the view of the Samadhi of an existing property, Meher Mahal. Kleiner offered to sell the undeveloped 1/4 acre plot to an Indian national named Tarana Singh who resides at Meher Mahal for $320,000 so as to preserve her building’s view of the Samadhi. That works out to $1,280,000 per acre; A new Meherabad record for (attempted) extortion! Of course, four fifths of this sum would be cash under the table and represent yet another illegality. Singh declined the offer.

Kleiner then entered into a partnership with Wallin to develop the property. Wallin, who also owns a condo in Meher Mahal, became abusive when Singh became critical of the myriad illegalities associated with the project. Wallin’s serial abusive behaviors (see letter below) culminated with an assault on Singh about a month ago with a metal object that resulted in Singh going to hospital and an arrest warrant issued for Wallin, who then absconded. Wallin, it turns out, has a history of mental instability. She bizarrely owns a horse that she “stables” at Meher Mahal, despite the fact she knows nothing about horses and cannot even ride one.

This is the letter Singh wrote to the AMBPPCT about her problems with the Kleiner/Wallin speculative venture:

From: “Tarana Singh”
Date: 11 Jun 2016 23:25
Subject: Complaint against Gary Kleiner & Amy Wallins’ Illegal BENAMI Commercial Activities/Transactions
To: <>
Cc: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>

Dear Chairman and Trustees of the Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust,

Jai Meher Baba!

My name is Tarana Singh, D/O Brig.Jagdish Singh and Grand Daughter of Maj.Gen.Gobinder Singh. 

I am a Lifetime member of the CINTA and the Indian Press in the capacity of Actor, Performer, Producer-Director.

3 Generations of my family (over 50 family members) have served in the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force besides fighting for our Motherland’s Sovereignty in all the wars in the last 70 years.

Lastly, but most importantly, I am a Citizen of India, a Baba Lover having represented myself in the Supreme Court of India as my own legal counsel, and won my cases against the most powerful builder cartel of India appearing and winning my case against opposite party’s legal counsel, Advocate P.Chidambaram, ex Finance Minister of India and Congress Party member.

This is to bring to your kind notice that on 27th September, 2015, at 12.30 hrs, at our Mumbai home, Ms.Amy Susanne Wallin, owner of Unit #1, Meher Mahal, Meherabad, informed my husband, Mukut Deepak and myself, that she was purchasing,   from a certain Gary Kleiner and would be building apartments for sale on the said premises.She proceeded to show me a large plan of the proposed construction plan and offered to sell us a dwelling unit of our choice in the said apartment complex. She was a house guest at that time and what we believed to be a Meher Baba Lover who visited Meherabad 2-3 times a year for spiritual purposes. She quoted INR 1,00,00,000 (1 CRORE only ) as payment for the same.

Subsequently she left for the USA and returned in 2016. Over the last couple of months, it has come to my notice that the Indian Government does not permit Foreigners on Tourist or student Visas to enter into Commercial activities in our country.

I would like to ask the AMBPPCT whether it is aware that the lady in question is, over the last 15 months, 

1.Engaging in Commercial and illegal activitieswithout requisite RBI and other Governmental permissions?

2. Entering into BENAMI transactions that are VOID as per the Benami Transactions (Protection) Act 1988?

3. Soliciting business in Baba’s name in Meherabad and other parts of India, including Pune, Mumbai, by attempting to sell the proposed units?

4. Illegally renting the premises in her name in Meher Mahal?

5. Intimidating, Attacking, Threatening, abusing, blocking and humiliating my staff, maid (Sindhu), several handymen, carpenters etc, and the manager of Meher Mahal, Mr.Sunil Kalbor, in person and on email?

6. Traumatising, threatening, terrorising, intimidating and bullying Baba lovers and citizens of India, who are her neighbours at Meherabad, including myself and my friends on an ongoing basis?

7.Ms. Wallin has threatened Baba Lover and neighbour, Mr.Navneet Batheja that she will register a complaint of Sexual Harassment against him if he complains to the authorities about her illegal and nefarious activities. Ms.Wallin has a history of accusing parties who challenge her bullying tactics by suits of Sexual Harassment. The evidence is freely available on the internet, wherein in New York, she has already done the same. The accusation of sexual harassment raised by her was discharged in court in New York.

Please refer to this link or google “wallin amy sexual harassment new york “

I have been hesitating  to write to you asking for your help, because she claims to be “friendly with the Trustees of the AMBPPCT”.

However, for the last 2 months I am unable to live peacefully in Meher Mahal as an owner an citizen.

For the following reasons besides the above

I am the only resident of Meher Mahal living in the premises as on date. There are 2 Indian men of unknown background and antecedents who are occupying Amy Wallin apartment 24*7 for the last 1 year, at least one of who is a tenant of hers.These men drive around in aSilver-Grey coloured Scorpio car without a registration plate. When asked why there is no number/ registration plate, I am informed by them that “we don’t need to get any number plate for any of our vehicles” and that one of them is an “influential government employee”.

These men are hooligans who intimidate, harass and misbehave with my staff .They entertain many young boys of the age group of 10-16 yrs who visit Amy Wallins’ apartment at different times.I am in fear for my safety and need protection.The building has turned into a slum like environment wherein one of these men roams about shirtless, throwing his weight around (he is the said owner of the numberless plateless Scorpio) and behaving as if he is the owner of Amy’s unit.

I am appealing to the trustees for advice, responsible action and immediate intervention, failing which I shall be forced to register a police complaint against the said parties.

It is a shame that in my / our own country, few are made to feel unsafe, living in Meherabad, so near to Meher Baba’s Samadhi, victimised and intimidated by foreigners in the guise of being Spiritual aspirants.

My question to the AMBPPCT is , we are so called “Baba Lovers” who come to Meherabad for life with Meher Baba, then Why all this illegal commercial activity?

1. Are you as trustees aware of the implications of the scandal that this situation is leading up to and its ramifications for the AMBPPCT?

2. Is Amy Wallin on a Trust sponsored Visa?  

3. Do you condone these illegal land transactions and Non Babaful activities by foreign “Baba Lovers” in our country? What would Meher Baba and the Mandali have to advise in this situation ?

4. When I visited the DSP and SP’s offices, they sent a constable to meet a trustee and inquire into this matter. Are you aware of this? What has happened further in this investigation?

5. Do you know that when I visited the Talathi of Arangaon, he told me that a member of the trust is involved in the illegal/Void/ Benami land transactions with Amy Wallin and Gary Kleiner?

In the absence of a prompt reply and action to this communication, I shall be forced to file criminal complaints against Amy Wallin, Gary Kleiner and party as this matter has been going on for over a year and I am in fear for my safety.

In His Love

Tarana Singh

Unit#3, Meher Mahal




This letter was sent to AMBPPCT well over a year ago, but Singh claims she never received a response of any kind from the Chairman or from a trustee until she recently lodged a police report- just as she promised she would do, and the Trust was contacted by the police for information. The Chairman Sridhar then at last called her. Singh discovered from Amy Wallin herself that this letter and every subsequent communication she made to the Trust were “leaked” to Wallin, often within minutes of Singh emailing them to the Trust office. This was presumably done by Ramesh Jangale. Upon being informed of Singh’s actions, Wallin would then confront Singh about them. Wallin’s most recent encounter a few weeks ago with Singh in which she assaulted her with a metal object concerned just such a leaked communication.

The picture that emerges from Singh’s story and the documents she has produced is that not only has the Trust willfully ignored Singh’s plight but has actively protected the illegal interests of Kleiner/Wallin.

Perhaps it is no surprise that the Trust would protect the predatory behavior of one of its own trustees- Jangale, and the predatory behavior of one who for decades served the Trust- Kleiner, and his unstable partner in Meherabad real estate speculation- Wallin, but it is all nonetheless extremely disappointing and disgusting.

Last week, a former long time American resident of Meherabad, Peter Booth, who appears to have arrogated to himself the role of fixer for the Trust, interjected himself into this problem by calling Singh’s friend Leroy Parker in California and demanding that Singh drop the assault charges against Wallin or Singh and Parker would not be welcome at Meherabad. This extremely unfortunate and barely veiled threat on the Trust’s behalf does not bode well for the Trust or Peter Booth’s reputation.

What has happened to the Trust? The Chairman and trustees have proved feckless- to put it mildly, in promoting transparency and accountability, and in eliminating conflicts of interest in its sacred responsibility to administer Avatar Meher Baba’s Trust Deed. Singh’s story documents how callous and degraded the Trust and its minions have become.

And what about the Meherabad and Meherazad community? When will it become an adult and empowered community? The present arrangement in which the Trust and its Chairman are the primary arbiters of the growing population of foreigners and resident nationals’ health and well being is obviously a dismal arrangement; It is simply not working. It has in fact become a toxic arrangement. Since Trust sponsored visas longer that six month’s duration are no longer being granted by the Indian government, the opportunity has clearly arrived for residents of Meherabad and Meherazad to collectively organize to represent their interests to the Trust and the Indian government. The present situation in which the Chairman has the discretion to not answer at will the pressing concerns of those under the Trust’s influence is completely unacceptable.

Finally, it is long, long overdue for the Trust to clearly take a position on what represents the legal and ethical purchase and sale of local real estate, and what precisely are the rules and regulations that should be abided by. The Trust has deliberately dodged this subject to protect the speculative partnerships involving  trustees and former employees of the Trust and the investments of residents. In other words, by not having adequately addressed this subject, the Trust has abdicated its responsibility in protecting the interests and integrity of both the Trust and those whom it serves. This also is completely unacceptable.

I contacted both Sridhar Kelkar and Ramesh Jangale with the following emails to solicit their responses to the questions I posed to them:

Hi Shridhar;

I am writing a blog post on Tarana Singh’s problems with the Kleiner/Wallin real estate project including the recent assault against Tarana by Wallin which has resulted in an arrest warrant for Wallin.

Singh has stated that you only recently (a few weeks ago) replied by phone to her letter  dated 11 June 2016 in which she details her complaint against the Kleiner/Wallin project, and that you basically declined to take an interest in her complaint.

Is this true?

Would you please comment on the Jangale/Kleiner real estate partnership and specifically address the assertion that the conflict of interest represented by this partnership has complicated your ability to adequately address Tarana’s complaint?

Hi Ramesh;

I am writing a blog post on Tarana Singh’s complaint against the Kleiner/Wallin real estate project and need your input.

Tarana has said that she never received a reply from you to her letter to the Chairman and trustees dated 11 June, 2016 detailing her complaint. Are you not the trustee appointed in charge of security at Meherabad? Did you never get back to her by phone, email or in person?

Also, would you please confirm or deny that you have a longstanding real estate partnership with Gary Kleiner? Would this explain why (if it is true) you never got back to Tarana?

In Baba, Bill Gannett


As of publication, I have not received replies.


Update 12/21/2017:

I still have not received replies.







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Susan Herr
7 years ago

I find this shocking and highly disturbing.

7 years ago
Reply to  Susan Herr

Yes, it is. It represents a complete breakdown in Trust integrity. The Trust should offer an ultimatum to Jangale: either divest yourself of your real estate partnership with Kleiner or you’re fired. The Trust should petition the Indian government to have Kleiner’s visa cancelled. The only way out for the Trust is to take the high road. But does it have the guts?

7 years ago

Speaking practically. The tactic of shining the torch of transparency is the only means to pierce the veil of lies and cover ups. I propose a mass mail out of this blog post in hard copy form. Organise a crew. Pool funds. Draft a list of names and addresses of all residents and staff and Trust. Every individual is to simaltaneously receive a copy. No emails. At the same time, a few reliable ones on site distribute copies daily- anonymously or publically. Repeat mail out in a month. And again. Jai Baba In His Truth and Endurance

Charlie Gard'ner
7 years ago

Bill….Came across this long article a few days after it was posted and have been going on line just about every day to see if you have received any email answers from Shridar, or Jangle. As you know I have had quite a bit of karma with the Trust over the years,and I too have often felt frustrated with what appears to be a lack of effort on their part to communicate back to me or address the issues. This was particularily obvious when I questioned Shridar about Erico’s death and he replied with a wave of his hand and… Read more »

dagmar lai
7 years ago

i am shocked that the Trust didn’t have the politeness (to say the least) to answer to a letter for help from a Baba love, if they had just written ” sorry, but we can’t help here, it is beyond our function”, it would have been ok, but to not answer at all??? what is this??? and what has peter booth to do with any of this? does he feel the call to become a new Trustee?
this s all very disturbing and destroys the integrity of Meher Baba’s Trust.

bill gannett
7 years ago
Reply to  dagmar lai

Peter Booth is a meddler.

7 years ago
Reply to  dagmar lai

Dear Dagmar, Your comments are to the point and make common sense. I have seen other important issues brought to the Trust/Trustees attention in recent times and the Trust didn’t have the courtesy to respond, just like the Tarana Singh case. The question arises, who is really running the Trust these days? Who is making the decisions. Could the Meherazad Approach Road issue have been avoided if the Trust was on the ball. My guess is yes! Could the debacle with the Kerawala 3.75 acre property next to lower Meherabad have been avoided with proper management of the Trust and… Read more »

7 years ago

Bill Gannett and many of you are quite gullible if you believe the story of Tarana Singh who has selfish motivations for making this story up. Do people understand the difference between hearsay and fact? There was at least one witness who disputed that Amy assaulted Tarana. And, none of the land dealings with Kleiner and Ramesh have anything to do with property the trust owns or wanted to own. It’s between them and Meher Baba and it’s appropriate that the trust doesn’t get involved. There are many westerners who have legally bought property in Meherabad – and yes they… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Whoever wrote this ANONYMOUS post is a coward, who knows next to nothing about the issues raised in this post and previous ones. If Amy Wallin had done nothing wrong, as suggested by ANONYMOUS, why did she abscond in the first place? By running from the authorities, Amy has forfeited her option for bail and if and when she is arrested she has made matters worse than it otherwise would have been. Now she can’t leave India and if she does, she may not be able to return. I suggest that “anonymous” carefully study the Revised and Ammended Benami Act… Read more »

Charlie Gard'ner
7 years ago

Dear ‘Anonymous’……Thank you for your latest post. I have a number of questions for you. (1) Do you personally know any of these people that you are ‘somewhat’ attacking here on line as to their honesty, history, background , etc. (2) Do you ever visit Meherabad… consult and question any of the Trust members? (3)Have you ever visited Tarana’s home at Meherabad….have you met and talked with Tarana? (4) Have you ever ‘hung out’ with Gary in the last few years….asked him what now brings him to India every year ……..if he is making deals on his ‘Pilgrimage’ or there… Read more »

7 years ago

As I recall, Amy Wallin was one of Margaret Craske’s dancers. She accompanied Tex Hightower on his most recent visits to India.

7 years ago

Dear Bill I have known Tarana Singh for 5 years. This is about the San the same length of time I have seen her as a neighbor of Amy wallin. From the very the very early times that I noticed Tarana interact with Amy and take her in her confidence I had a feeling that there was something abut off about Amy… I did not feel drawn to her or that I could trust her.. Now I have worked a teacher and professional with thousands of students over a period of forty three years, I have learned to listen to… Read more »