1. How did Baba’s desire for a Memorial Tower mutate into the concept of a Memorial Spike?
2. Did the Chairman and Trustees participate in the design and selection process?
3. Was there a selection process? (How many entries were submitted? etc.)
4. Was the public, in any way, invited to participate in this process?
(By way of submission, review of and comment on submissions, etc.)
5. Was the design and selection process in any way discussed or debated, privately or publicly, between or among individuals? What was said?
6. Do you know what I’m talking about?
7. Does the Trust believe in due process, especially concerning matters as important as the commissioning of a public monument by order of the Master, to honor the service of individuals to the Master?
8. Does this conversation embarrass you, and why?
9. Do individuals have the right to ask, and receive answers to, such questions?
10. Do you believe that the Eternal Beloved dropped His body to live in the Hearts and Minds of His lovers forever, and that we- the community of His lovers, now represent His Wish in this matter and other matters that concern Trust integrity?
The beginning (perhaps) of a discussion that will interest me as interested persons respond honestly from the heart…