What is science?

Does science really exclusively pertain to fact, or is it also based on imagination?

What determines a fact?

Science will say that fact is that which can be replicated in a carefully controlled experiment; that this is the basis for scientific knowledge.

But what if facts exist that can’t be replicated in a carefully controlled scientific experiment? Do they cease to exist as facts because they can’t be predicted in a controlled experiment?

The arrogance and hubris of scientific rationalism is the assumption that only that which can be quantified is real; that everything else is fantasy.

The power of science is popularly proved and illustrated by technology. Most people believe in science because of technology, particularly as this promotes comfort and pleasure. But also as this promotes destruction.  Science is largely appreciated on the basis of the power to augment either pleasure or pain.

Science can register breath as essential to life, but cannot account for prana or chi- subtle energy. Breath is the visible sign of prana as it maintains life in the physical body. Prana supports breath, and when prana withdraws from the body breathing stops and the body dies. Science says that breath stops because bodily functions fail; and because prana can only be inferred by the presence of breath, prana does not exist as a fact.

Prana is what connects the physical body with higher, relatively immaterial bodies. These higher bodies exist, but are beyond the purview of rationalistic investigation. They do not cease to exist simply because science cannot quantify them.

The fact is that science is an imaginative construct. Science is based on the assumption that only that which can be quantified is real. This is proved by the fact that science readily agrees that that which is real (capable of being quantified) is continuously advanced by research- and that this is construed as a self congratulatory act proving the power and sincerity of science. But meanwhile, all that which can’t be quantified doesn’t exist.

The integrity of scientific knowledge is based on circular reasoning, i.e. that because  science represents fact, it also de facto represents reality. That fact equals reality, despite the fact that we have already established that reality can not at all be proved by reference to the scientific method.

The idea that science defines reality is an hysterical act of wildest imagination.





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The more you love, the less you understand

The more you love, the less you understand;
intellect is the most feeble way to comprehend.

Try pleasing the beloved with your sharp mind,
and she will sweetly revile you as dull and blind.

Love is a hurricane that blows away all thought;
and leaves you like an ass that cannot be taught.

My advice is stop braying and begin to feel;
by grace of love, maybe you will discern the real.

Love is not what you think. Can you grok that?
Love is what you long for beyond all thought.

Thought is like black candle smoke flickering
but love is pure and steady flame, singing.

Darvish says, love is the death of all thought
that alone reveals what heart has always sought.

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When all good has died, and begins to rot

When all good has died, and begins to rot
All who love truth and beauty begin to fret:

How did this nation embrace such evil?
What inspired such compact with the devil?

Was it the murder of the First American?
Was it the enslavement of the African?

What inspires the constant need for genocide?
What is it that we must so desperately hide?

Gaza is now the latest sacrifice to Moloch,
And the greatest hymn to “what-the-fuck”.

The Christ is bloodied by the motor car,
And the joyful face of his beloved scarred.

Darvish weeps for all those who cannot scream
To the Godman, wake us, now, from this dream.

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Avatar Meher Baba’s warning to the US more relevant than ever

When Avatar Meher Baba first visited the US he remarked that America had great spiritual potential because of its great energy, but that its energy was misapplied. He stated that for America to “lead the world spiritually” it would have to redirect its enormous energy to spiritual purposes. And in which case the world would be transformed.

My blogging on the evils of American empire is to emphasize the importance of refusing to accommodate the Death Machine that is US foreign policy and which is the world’s greatest obstacle to Avatar Meher Baba’s Manifestation.

The US government with its past 23 years of continuous Terror Wars against the middle east is in an unprecedented campaign of hate and carnage that has arrived at the Final Solution of the Palestinian.  The Terror Wars have concluded with an undisguised genocide live streamed 24/7 that has now gone on for 1 year, and which now involves Lebanon and promises to finally include Iran.

Meanwhile, the US has contrived and provoked a proxy war against Russia that could easily result in nuclear war, and the US threatens to involve China in a war over Taiwan, as well. We are in an extraordinary perilous moment orchestrated by the logic of relentless and psychotic empire.

This bipartisan insanity is the Deep State or the Duopoly in action. There is no political solution to this insanity as the Deep State, as remarked, is a bipartisan actor. Only an outside agency can deflect and change the course toward global destruction.

The horse is saddled and the rider is on his way.

It has now become a civic and spiritual  obligation to resist and counter the Deep State in all manner possible. Not only the fate of America is at stake, but the fate of the world. The “end of every affair was in its beginning” applies to the settler colonial tragedy of the US: what began as genocide and slavery organized by the corporation (Jamestown) and rationalized as Manifest Destiny and the Monroe Doctrine, has now become American Exceptionalism and Full Spectrum Dominance.

The US aspires to be a galactic empire in fact as advocated by the technologist, Elon Musk, with the backing of the Deep State. The conquest of Mars is the exaltation of Ares, the god of war and empire. This is the energy of Death that we all must resist and defeat so that Spirit and Love can reign.



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How to read Avatar Meher Baba’s books and statements

The problem with Avatar Meher Baba’s books and statements is that one can easily read them in isolation from other books and statements that often provide essential context to form a just appreciation of them. This can lead to very serious errors.

The fact that the Avatar is Perfect does not guarantee that his books and statements don’t require contextualization. In other words, spiritual perfection often does not warrant a literal reading or assessment of content taken at face value. For example, God Speaks is widely regarded as Baba’s most important work, a work so important that most of the text was meticulously dictated. It could easily be regarded as a perfect book for that reason. But in fact, we know that Baba expressed unhappiness with the published work in notes made by Francis Brabazon, who was tasked by Baba to make some additions and changes. (This never happened.) This tells us that no matter how valuable and insightful the material of God Speaks is, it is not a perfect work.

And in fact Baba tells us that in the text itself, in Part 10, Conclusion:

“God cannot be explained. He cannot be argued about, He cannot be theorized, nor can he be discussed and understood. God can only be lived.”

Another example: Baba’s Discourses are widely regarded as his authoritative statements on a wide variety of subjects. There are chapters on meditation which go into exacting detail on the subject. But Baba in his own life disavowed the importance of meditation as unnecessary relative to remembrance of his Name, and especially so for the time period covering his life, and for some time after after his dropping the body.

Another example: Baba went to extraordinary efforts to collaborate with Ivy Duce on a charter that would empower the sufi order of which she was the presiding Murshida, to carry Baba’s imprimatur. This charter was guaranteed by her promise of 100% honesty in obeying Baba, as she herself was not qualified to act as a Murshida. (She didn’t have the requisite spiritual status.) So, the charter which Baba approved was conditioned on a covenant of honesty to Baba’s wishes and expectations. The short story is, the sufi order started wandering in the wilderness. To adduce the charter as proof of the sufi order’s legitimacy is ridiculous.

Another example: Baba was recently quoted in the online edition of Lord Meher as having expressed surprise and respect for Israel, a small country, having defeated  a coalition of larger Arab countries, in the 1967 6 Day War. But this quotation has been adduced as evidence of Baba supporting the present US/ Israel genocide of occupied Palestine. This is obviously a complete distortion of Baba’s words made decades earlier which in no way were an endorsement of genocide.  And in fact Baba has made very clear statements about what justifies war, and the gratuitous persecution and annihilation of Arab Muslims is definitely not on the list.

There is no substitute for common sense and context in the appreciation of the writings and words of the Avatar. Literalism and especially deliberate distortion of his words because of the refusal to apply context is what will guarantee that Baba’s advent will be dishonored.




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Avatar Meher Baba On War

“Ethics in time of war can only be judged by the degree to which they reflect the divine plan. In war there are two kinds of forces operative: (1) those which make for love, justice, harmony, and the well being of all mankind, and (2) those which work in alliance with narrow racial and national loyalties towards the selfish exploitation of others…

He who would wage war must search his heart and make sure that the ends for which he is fighting are a reflection of the divine plan. His actions will be justified only if they help to lead humanity to spiritual brotherhood cemented by an inviolable sense of the unity of all human beings, regardless of class, color, nationality, race, religion or creed.”

Meher Baba, from Listen, Humanity pg. 131


The above statement by Avatar Meher Baba is a concise statement on the ethics of war and an excellent basis on which to evaluate the justifiable basis for war. It is a common sense rule of thumb from a spiritual and humanistic perspective that posits the essential unity of life despite outward differences, and that to wage war apart from or in contradiction to this basis is unacceptable.

In short, war based on “selfish exploitation of others” is unacceptable. War will only be justified, in fact, if it promotes “spiritual brotherhood…regardless of class, color, nationality, race, religion or creed.”

By this standard, the US/ Israel genocide against occupied Palestine is flagrantly unacceptable. Israel is acting altogether as a rogue state in denying the rights and very existence of millions of Palestinians- whose land Israel has stolen. This could not be a more emphatic illustration of the promotion of “narrow racial and national loyalty”.

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Big Fist will appoint a new hatchet for carnage

Big Fist will appoint a new hatchet for carnage
and strike down all who protest bloody outrage.

People’s Park is now containerized with profit
from the sale of Free Speech by all who despise it.

The embrace of genocide is a love fest of hate
that for the power of money will never abate.

The word is bought and sold by corporate masters
like slaves of old threatened with fate of cadavers.

The wrath of Herod is the spirit across the land,
condemning all babies with his wrathful hand.

There is no god but the god of the supreme state
who compels all worship with the same racist hate.

Darvish, you have not lost your voice praising one God
whose ocean of love and fire will leave all agog.

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Rahu and AI

Rahu, or the north node of the Moon, is considered a shadow planet in Indian/ Vedic astrology. It is not a physical planet, but an astronomical point. It, along with Ketu, the south node of the Moon, represent an axis that describes the intersection of the Moon’s orbit around the Earth with the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun.

Rahu and Ketu thus signify eclipses when the Sun and Moon are conjunct either one of the two points, i.e. a solar eclipse, or both points, i.e. a lunar eclipse.

Rahu is the “head” of the Dragon that “swallows” the Sun or Moon, and Ketu is the “tail” from which the respective luminary then reappears.

Rahu represents desire and ambition in a natal chart. It is a malefic influence that denotes “losing one’s mind”. It rules all things astral and virtual. It rules insanity, possession, entities, mind altering substances, poisons, snakes, ghosts, viruses, computers, digital reality, intense desire and shadowy experiences. It also rules imagination, out of the box thinking, inventions, new and bold ideas and technology, change, transformation and fame and riches. Rahu rules space travel, astral travel, magicians, tantriks, shamans, and certain occult based meditation traditions.  But it always brings dissatisfaction. Rahu’s appetite is never satisfied. Rahu never has enough.

Rahu represent’s biting, gnawing and clawing at the apple of experience; Ketu, on the other hand, represents digesting and rejecting the apple of experience. Ketu is a spiritual and ascetic symbol whereas Rahu is a psychic and indulgent symbol.

Rahu and Ketu have much in common, but Rahu plunges one into experience, and Ketu forces rejection of experience.

Now, what does Rahu have to do with AI?

Rahu rules all things shadowy and virtual. It rules all things astral. It rules computer science and virtual reality. It rules imaginative states, visualization and it rules the dream state. It rules the future. It rules “what’s next”- but on the basis of the projection of desire.

It rules the “inflation of desire”.

Rahu to be sure is a powerful influence in all things relating to computers, digital and virtual reality. It rules all things having to do with the technology of representation on a more subtle level. Rahu is all about the manipulation and transformation of form (think eclipse, pulling a rabbit out of a hat).

AI is simply manipulating data at super fast speeds according to algorithms. It manipulates data to the point that the computer program can seemingly think. AI parodies the faculty of reason- not the intellect, which has to do with discrimination. Much of the confusion about AI has to do with the confusion of the parody of the faculty of reason with the spiritual faculty of discrimination. AI is a parody of reason; it has nothing at all to do with discrimination. In other words, AI relates to Rahu and not to Ketu.

AI is a machine; it is clearly useful as a machine. But it has no greater utility than that of a machine parodying reason. The relation of AI with virtual reality is completely under the purview of Rahu, as Rahu rules imaginative and fantasy states.

In astrological symbolism, Rahu rules imaginative states as an astral influence (good and bad); it does not rule the mind- Moon, or intellect- Mercury. But in the US natal chart, Rahu has a very strong influence over the ascendant, the Moon and Mercury. The ruler of the ascendant, Jupiter, and the Moon are in lunar constellations ruled by Rahu, and Rahu is conjunct Mercury. This explains much about the US as a world leader in entertainment and computer technology. It also explains much about US delusional thinking as a superpower.

From the cosmological point of view, the prominence of Rahu in describing US karma suggests relentless desire and ambition coloring its identity and thinking. AI will doubtless become an important tool of government surveillance and military application. US and Israel are in fact using AI in the genocide of Gaza. The US will embrace AI as a competitive technology to the clear advantage of the militarized corporate state.

A worthwhile point to make is that the power and influence of Rahu exhausts itself  eventually. It doesn’t last forever. Eventually desire exhausts itself in a state of collapse.

AI is a parody of reason because of super fast calculations. A super fast mind is madness as it veers out of control. AI crunches data/ desire at super fast speed to attain power. This is the power of Rahu, the power of the eclipse, the power to lose one’s mind.






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Big Fist has come to rule our hearts and minds

Big Fist has come to rule our hearts and minds,
And deflect our will to love, be brave and kind.

Herod is back, never left, just changed his clothes;
And all babies must die today before love grows.

O the babies, the babies must die, must die now
Before love steals the show and takes a bow.

O no, love cannot reign, love can never be king;
Hate is what we love and hate will hate ever bring.

Big Fist is our mighty lord and reigns supreme,
All our love for peace and harmony is a dream.

The lie, what we love is the lie that never dies;
That power lives forever and never, never dies.

O yes, Darvish can scream with absolute sincerity
One day love will rise, reign and proclaim reality.

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Where have all the souls come from?

Avatar Meher Baba has remarked that the spike in world population in the past 120 plus  years has been the result of immigration from outer planets to take birth on Earth so as to benefit from the present Avataric advent. The Avatar and the saints and Masters only take birth on Earth, and spiritual progress is only possible on Earth.

Earth is the planet- and the only planet, where heart and mind are balanced to the extent that spiritual progress is really possible. The influx of souls from the more “mental” planets, that is planets which have a greater percentage of intellect versus feeling, is the cosmological response to the denouement of the Kali Yuga.

The present climax of the Kali Yuga, or the “Machine Age”, invites the influx of brainy technocrats from “mental” planets to facilitate the end of Nature in Mahapralaya, or the dissolution of the universe. But in so doing, the massive influx of souls from these mental planets gain in spiritual advancement. The Earth reaches the point of exhaustion and expiration, but billions of souls are introduced to spiritual possibility in the process.

Now, this is admittedly a fantastic take on the problem of overpopulation. But it is Avatar Meher Baba’s message on the matter. The rise in world population from 1.5 billion to 8 billion in little over a 120 years is by any account extraordinary- if not miraculous!

According to Avatar Meher Baba, all these souls have arrived to partake of the enormous blessing that is the present Avataric age. This is an extraordinary time. Avatar Meher Baba’s Manifestation will occur over the coming 100 to 200 years and will result in an unprecedented world spirituality over the next 700 years, when the Avatar will return.

Meher Baba has intimated that what will then happen is what has never happened before (in this cycle of cycles of time). He has hinted that the universe will go to sleep in a very deep spiritual sleep in the event known as Mahapralaya, only to awaken after a vast expanse of time, on a new Earth, and in the start of a new Golden Age.


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